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Shehbaz says militant attacks aimed at thwarting China cooperation

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ISLAMABAD (WS News) – Following a series of deadly attacks by hardened terrorists in Balochistan, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif declared that negotiations with those opposing Pakistan are off the table and emphasized the need to eliminate terrorism from the nation.
These comments were made during a federal cabinet meeting on Tuesday, convened after terrorists in Balochistan claimed at least 50 lives in a single day.
Prime Minister Shehbaz noted that the recent attacks by separatist militants in Balochistan are intended to hinder development projects related to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).
The assaults, which began on Sunday and resulted in over 70 deaths, represent the most extensive violence in years by ethnic militants aiming for the secession of Balochistan, a province rich in resources and home to significant China-led projects like a port and a gold and copper mine.
“The terrorists aim to disrupt CPEC and other development efforts,” Sharif said in a televised cabinet address, adding that these militants also seek to create discord between Islamabad and Beijing.
CPEC, with development commitments valued at $65 billion, is a key element of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road initiative.
Pakistan has struggled to build the necessary infrastructure to exploit Balochistan’s mineral resources and has sought China’s assistance in developing the province.
In Beijing, China condemned the attacks and expressed its commitment to supporting Pakistan’s counter-terrorism efforts.
“China is prepared to enhance counter-terrorism cooperation with Pakistan to jointly uphold regional peace and security,” said Lin Jian, a foreign ministry spokesperson.
Beijing has previously expressed concerns about the safety of its citizens working on projects in Pakistan, particularly in Balochistan. In March, six Chinese engineers working on a dam project were killed in the northwest.
Separatist militants have also targeted Balochistan’s Gwadar port, which is managed by China.
The Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) claimed responsibility for the recent coordinated attacks on police stations, railway lines, and highways in the province, which is the largest but least developed of Pakistan’s four provinces.
The BLA stated that hundreds of its fighters, including seven suicide bombers, were involved in the attacks.
Various Baloch militant groups have previously targeted Chinese interests, claiming they have been fighting for a larger share of the regional wealth from mines and minerals denied by the central government.
Prime Minister Shehbaz stated that the terrorists’ belief in their dominance through militancy is misguided.
“The sacrifices of our security forces will not be in vain. We must thwart the recent rise in militancy. Effective operations against the terrorists have been conducted, and we remain resolute in our mission to eradicate terrorism,” he asserted.
The Prime Minister ruled out negotiations with anti-Pakistan factions and vowed that terrorists would be given no quarter, pledging full support for the armed forces. “The nation and armed forces are united in the fight against terrorism.”
He also mentioned that the government would collaborate with provincial governments to eliminate terrorism, noting that the door remains open for those who respect the constitution’s authority.
The PM indicated plans to visit Balochistan soon to strategize with all stakeholders to win the war on terror.

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